Be Among Friends - Join Now- Just $20 a year.

Application for Membership

How do I join?  Simply print this page and fill out the items below.

Adult membership dues are $20 per year; students $10. A membership year runs from October 1 to September 31. Once you are a member, we will send a reminder to re-enroll each year.  If, for some reason, you can no longer be our Friend, e-mail us at

Membership fees and donations are tax deductible. You will receive a letter for tax purposes identifying all donations to The Friends in January. Please provide your address and/or e-mail address below by printing this page. 

Name:  ____________________                  ___ Adult $20    ___Student $10

Street:  _________________________       Phone:  ____________________

City:       __________________________    State:    ____________________

Zip:          ______________   E-mail:  _________________________________

Help us save printing and postage costs by receiving your newsletter via e-mail by listing your e-mail address above. You will receive a quarterly newsletter in February, May, August and November.  Member names will be listed in the November edition under the following categories:


Friend                                     $20 Adult; $10 Student
Best Friend                           $21-50
Special Friend                      $51-100
Super Friend                         $101 – 500
BFF (Best Friend Forever)   $501+

If you do not wish your name to be published, check the item below:
____Do not publish name in Among Friends

Mail this application to:

                        The Friends of the Iowa Library for the Blind
& Physically Handicapped
                         PO Box 93046
Des Moines, IA 50393-3046